Monday, July 20, 2009


I guess the title gives it all away, but I'M ENGAGED!!!

I'm engaged to the most fascinating, gorgeous, and God-filled woman I've ever met, Margaret Hulings. In our brief time together (mine and Margaret's), God has revealed so much about Himself and what a Godly relationship is supposed to look like. He's been faithful, as always, and we can't wait to see where He takes us.

Thanks to everyone for the voicemails, phone calls, facebook messages, texts, etc.

More to come at some margaretandtrey website, I'm sure....and I mean that in a much more endearing way than it reads.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Where are the new posts????

So, a lot of friends have been asking "Where are the new posts???".  "You've got this blog but you don't use it", I guess is the frustration. Well, to further your frustrations, I aint got nothin for you today BUT I wanted to remind everyone that there is a link in my first post to my OLD blog (Xanga) that tells many wonderful tales during my college days, when I was but a young lad. 

Until the next inspiration...oooo, that sounds cool....I encourage you to read those old posts, they're quite comical. Stay tuned!